27 Jun

Walk your talk my witches. Live your magic. 

I have been guilty of not living my magic. I have a lot of tools but sometimes I find myself not using them. I love the idea of ritual work but I'm lazy about planning one out. If I do fire up a candle and compose an intention, it is often done in a moment of inspiration or desperation; the spirit hits and it feels right. If I have to plan and schedule it on a day that the moon is in appropriate planet and phase, honestly, my magical workings won't get done. I have to have the energy and passion for it. And for me it can come out of the blue. Some of my best magic has been in a fit of frustration where my passions were running high and I needed results fast! 

There are magical practitioners that like to police the craft and I understand where they are coming from. But times change. Many of us do not have the patience, time or energy to practice the way our ancestors did.  Our relationships with the Spiritual Realm and our God/Goddess is none of anyone else's business. Listen to what others have to say, but ultimately it is up to you. Trust your higher self and inner knowing.

I encourage everyone to do your magic consistently, especially when you are going through rough times. Use the knowledge you have acquired through your studies to make things happen. Please don't disregard your spiritual insight and knowledge during difficult times and suffer needlessly. Magic is a tool for change. Pull those magical gems out of your spiritual pantry and use them! Bring the magic into the ordinary. 

Here are some simple suggestions. If they resonate with you, make them your own and use them. If not, find what works for you. You will know by how you feel. Does it feel right? Great! If not, explore what calls and inspires you.

  • Charge those crystals and call forth their metaphysical and healing properties. They are pretty and they make you look witchy, but they can also work for you. Enchant or program your crystals with your intentions. It doesn't have to be every crystal you own. Work with those crystals that call to you.
  • Place charged crystals in your windows, above your doors, behind your door, under your bed, inside your office desk drawer, inside your car. 
  • Make herbal sachets and place them where you need energy shifted or manipulated. There are many magical books on herbs and crystals. You can also find great information from witchy blogs and websites. 
  • Spray yourself with liquid sage spray or Florida water before or/and after dealing with people, especially those operating on some low vibrational bullshit. Sweeping your energy field with Selenite is also a wonderful way to clear the energetic ick off of you.
  • Call in favorable energies into your home, work, supermarket etc... Wherever you go, call in high vibrational energy to shift the vibes and benefit those who share that space with you. When you do, make sure to acknowledge everyone's free will and that if it don't apply, let it fly. An example is when I was receiving radiation and later chemo injections. While sitting in the treatment area surrounded by my fellow cancer fighters  I would call in healing and loving energy to the staff and the patients. I didn't do anything elaborate. I simply put it in a prayer thought form and then pictured an energy or color permeating everyone. I set the intention that all treatments were successful and we would all be well according to our divine plan. 

Your spirituality shouldn't feel like another burden that you avoid or procrastinate on because you aren't feeling a connection with it. Do those things that resonate with you, your personality and your heart felt beliefs. 

May your magic be Successful and bring happiness to you and those you love.

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