In this post I will share subtle ways you can get witchy at work, energetically protect yourself and shift the energy of your work place to create a more positive and pleasant vibe.
Think of your desk, if you are lucky enough to have one, as your work altar. You can also use your assigned locker if that is the only private space you have but I do not recommend doing this if you share lockers and need to remove your items at the end of your shift.
Some of the items and methods you could use to shift the energy within your work place is with the use of color, crystals, small statues of animals, fairies or other knick knacks that have been enchanted with your intentions. You could also hide mojo bags in your desk drawers or lockers. Placing written enchantments, intentions or prayers between the photo and the cardboard backing of the pictures frames you have on your desk is another stealth way of working your magic in your work place.
With the current open space designs adopted by many high tech companies, which is pure hell for introverts or those who are easily distracted, it is difficult to protect your energy and very hard to be discrete. Here are some suggestions when you have absolutely no privacy at work.
Cleansing and Protection:
You can't walk into your office with a bundle sweetgrass or a Palo Santos stick and start smudging, but wouldn't that be nice! The work place can feel incredibly toxic at times and if you are sensitive to energy, you may feel like you got slimed by your co-workers' bad attitudes and negative office talk. Some of you may have an office bully that vents their frustrations on you because you are seen as an easy target that won't fight back.
Examine your feelings about your job. We all need a paycheck and a lot of times we are working a job that doesn't fulfill any needs besides paying our bills. If you are stuck in your current position because of a bad job market or a lack of options in your area, make the most of it by using some of the tools below to create the most harmonious environment you can. I would still recommend that you update your resume and take online classes that offer certifications in new skills that may allow you to move up in your company or start a new side hustle that brings in extra income. There are good spell books available as well as online resources for obtaining a new job or promotion.
Energy Shifting, Cleansing and Protective Options
Liquid sage
The smell of liquid sage is quite pleasant and it doesn't linger in the air too long. I love this portable smudging method. It allows you to smudge without using smoke. It's also great for your car and home. It's great for empty office restrooms, where many of us break down or hide when we are dodging co-workers or supervisors. If anyone comes in after you sprayed, you can always say it's perfume and quickly leave the bathroom to avoid further conversation. This method is harder in an open office work space because you have no privacy. Being an introvert myself and hyper sensitive to the energy of others, I feel that whoever came up with this open design should be punched forcefully in the neck.
Black Tourmaline
Wearing a piece of jewelry that you have charged with your intentions can provide protection for you and keep negative energy at bay.
An example for charging black tourmaline: "May this black tourmaline shield my body, mind and spirit from that which seeks to do me harm or disrupt my peace in any form or fashion. May it remove that which is negative, dark and evil from this space and protect my inner sanctuary from the fuck shit and bullshit of those around me. In the most perfect way with harm to none, this is now done. Amen!" Not only is this great for the office space but for anywhere you go, including dinner with the family, office events, waiting rooms of hospitals or DMV offices, in general, anywhere you encounter anger, grief, manipulative people or those suffering from illness. It may be difficult if there are people or cameras around, but if you have the option, try burying a small piece in an office plant in the lobby or in the work area. It's simple but powerful.
Get those little salt packs, charge it with your intentions for protection (you can use the same method used with the black tourmaline), open the pack and leave it somewhere on your desk or desk drawer. Another method is to sprinkle a fine line of it above the door seal of your office or place the packs inside your desk drawer to keep your space protected from negativity or harm. You can also carry a packet of charged salt in your pocket, bag or purse.
Crystal Magic
Rose quartz
Enchant (charge with your intentions) your rose quartz to promote harmonious relationships with your co-workers. Enchant it to bring forth self love and self confidence within yourself. This can help to create the energy within your space where your co-workers know to treat you with respect because you ain't the one to take their shit. If you are devious, you can enchant the rose quartz to create the illusion that you are kind, cooperative and want the best for everyone while you are stabbing a co-worker in the back and trying to obtain their job. I never said I was a saint.
Blue Lace Agate
Positive effect on emotions and attitudes. Good for communication, helps with public speaking and sharing thoughts and ideas, calms stress and helps with discernment.
Prosperity and Luck and favor in competition or gambling. Success and Wealth. It helps motivate us during difficulties. Enhances leadership qualities.
Emotional and Mental well being. Keeps negativity at bay and protects your work space. Increases motivation and good for abundance.
Small statues or pictures
Find a picture or small statues of animals that represent the energy you want to create in your workspace with your co-workers or the energy of how you want to be perceived at your place of business.
Eagle - Leadership. Seeing the big picture. Rising above everyone else.
Lion - Leadership. King like status. Position of power. Courage, Movement, Action.
Humming bird - Spreader of joy. Liaison between people within an organization.
If there is an animal or quality which you wish to project as your image, search the internet and their qualities. Find your animal spirit, find an image that presents that quality, enchant that image for its attributes, call forth it's qualities within your self or call for the animal's protection if you are in need. Then place that statue on your desk. Throughout the day, glance at your statue/image and remember that you HAVE those qualities within yourself. If you are shifting the energy within your office space, visualize the qualities of the image permeating the space and creating the energy that you would like in your office.
These are just a few ideas to get you started. Use your imagination and creativity when working magic. Art stores and second hand stores are great places to find items that can be used in your workings. I enjoy going into a shop to feel the energy of the crystals I'm working with, unfortunately for me many of the metaphysical stores are located in areas with horrible traffic and parking. Due to my overall laziness and my arthritic hip, walking long distances isn't pleasant. So I usually find my items online. I have been very fortunate thus far to receive good quality crystals.
Give your magic time to work. Sometimes the results are fast, but sometimes it takes a little time to work. Be consistent and trust in your magic.
Much success in your work and career.