07 Jun

"Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds" - Bob Marley, Redemption Song.

To reclaim the “Self” is to rediscover and give voice to the truth within that you intentionally or subconsciously repress in order to gain acceptance, fit in, keep the peace or not draw attention to yourself. It is refusing to be invisible by reclaiming your true identity and self expression outside of your family, friends, work and external source's expectations. Because you are alive, you have a responsibility to yourself and the world to develop and express your unique abilities and talents. We are extensions of an infinite power manifest in blood, flesh and bone. We are not here to to live by someone else's standard and expectations. To do so is to insult the Divine Source that gave you form and breath. Tap into your own source of power by reclaiming your right to co-create your life in ways that feel right and authentic. Let go of blaming others for your current state of mind and the conditions that you find yourself in.  If you are willing to take the initiative to examine your beliefs and attitude to find out what is true to you; you are on the path to reclaiming your power through self-awareness.

Over the last few years there has been a steady movement in people committing to their own happiness and healing. While social media can be a dumpster for all kinds of fuckery and foolishness, there is also a lot of people teaching techniques in releasing old programming and healing generational "curses". People are saying goodbye to feeling obligated to give time and attention to people, places and situations that don't serve their highest good. Narcissism is being called out and  the abuse and pain, long hidden, is being given light and a voice so that it can be released. 

The hard part of reclaiming your power is that it puts the responsibility of your happiness, fulfillment, peace etc.... squarely on your own shoulders. It's NOT denying the role that others played in your current state of being. It's saying "I'll take it from here". We can get comfortable with having an outside source to blame. As long as we can blame others we can reap the reward of being a victim and we are not expected to do better or make hard but necessary changes. 

Healing Ritual for reclaiming your Self and your Power.

When performing a self healing ritual, incorporate your own faith and spiritual beliefs into your magic. Never do anything that is uncomfortable or goes against your personal ethics. The main tools used in this healing is your mind and your willing to change. This does not happen overnight and you will need to repeat your healing rituals regularly. It did not take one day to create your life as it is now, don't expect it to take one ritual to change it into what you want it to be.

I like to keep it simple. Here are my suggestions, please design this to fit your aesthetics and spiritual practices.

You will need:

  1. Paper, journal or book of shadows or you can use your computer to write out your thoughts, feelings etc...
  2. A willingness to live differently. It's amazing how attached we become to that which is familiar, no matter how painful or unfulfilling it is. 
  3. A little private time. Understandably many of us don't have the time or attention span to perform a lengthy ritual. Sometimes the only private time you have is when you are in the bathroom taking care of business. 

For this we go directly to the subconscious mind. You can do this anywhere that is private. It's a wonderful thing to do right before you drift off to sleep. 

  • Take a few deep breaths to calm yourself.
  • Release any energy that isn't yours. Visualize a gray haze, which is other people's energy, leaving your body as you take a deep breaths.
  • Surround yourself in protective light. I like using white or silver. Use whatever color that works for you. Make a statement of your intention to be protected while performing any rituals or magic. "I am surrounded in the Divine Protection of God (Goddess, Archangel Michael, Santa Muerte etc...). I am shielded against negativity and any external source that is contra to my magical workings and healing. Nothing that means me harm may penetrate this protective force field. By my words and intentions, my protection is set into place. Amen, Bless it Be, So it is..... "
  • Now mentally tell your subconscious mind the following: "Subconscious mind I am now consciously programming you with my truth and the reality that I live and experience."
    • I reclaim my power and authority over my own life. 
    • I reclaim my power and authority over my own happiness.
    • My well being is my top priority.
    • I love myself and prioritize my own joy, happiness, self esteem and peace of mind.
    • I take responsibility for my own life and my own destiny.
    • It is safe for me to love myself and prioritize my well being.
    • I feel safe putting myself first and filling my own cup before I give to others. (This one is hard for those of us who feel guilty or who have been made to feel guilty for not putting others' needs and feelings ahead of our own).
    • I am comfortable saying "No" to that which I don't want to do.
    • I have healthy boundaries for how I allow myself to be treated.
    • I forgive myself for my past mistakes and neglect.
    • I have a healthy mind, body and spirit.  
    • I am patient and kind with myself.
    • I am able to handle conflict, confrontation and difficult people and situations with ease and confidence.
  • I recommend repeating each statement a couple of times during your ritual/session. Keep your statements in the affirmative. You can also light a white candle (which is a good substitute for most colors), green for healing, purple for your highest self. Do what feels right. A tea candle is good too. 
  • When you are done close your ritual/session by saying: "Subconscious mind. I am now done consciously programming you with my truth and reality. Go forth and manifest these truths into my life and personal reality. Thank you". You can follow up with "And so it is", or "Amen". Again, do what feels right to you.

It is a very simple ritual that has an amazing effect when done consistently. You can do it daily, which I recommend if you are really trying to create a change in your thinking, or a couple times a week.

If you are a practitioner that enjoys more elaborate rituals, please do so. Call in elements and cast your circle if that is how you work. The most important part is that you are consistent. 

Happy Healing

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