19 Sep


Earth absorbs, holds, grows and nurtures. This element can be used to create a steady vibration of your chosen intention. It is also ideal for those situations that require discretion. For example, you can use crystals within your office, car or home environment. Not only will this add beauty, but it can also purify and protect your space. When crystals or herbs are blessed (prayed over) and charged (intentions for using the element), they are a very powerful method for changing the current energy and shifting it to a vibration of your choice. Another powerful earth element is Salt (sea salt or box salt). It is the do-all, be-all of herbs. To absorb negativity from a room, place a little blessed salt in a cup and place it in a corner out of sight. If you are in a place where there is a lot of anger, resentment and vindictiveness occurring replace it once a week. You can also sprinkle salt in your doorway to prevent negativity from entering or you can sprinkle it in the entrance way of your cubicle or office door if you work in an office. Herbs can be burnt over charcoal to banish negativity or kept in a pouch and tucked away out of sight. Please note that all methods listed in the handouts are only effective if you bless and charge the element first! Sage is a powerful tool for banishing negativity. Dragon’s Blood is equally effective. 


Water is associated with emotions, feelings and intuition. It is a cleansing and soothing element, yet it has the power to corrode solid rock over a long period of time. Water can also be used to absorb negativity from a room by the simple act of keeping a glass of blessed and charged water in the corner of a room. Make sure to empty it weekly – preferably flush it if possible. Make sure not to drink from this glass in the future. It is a good idea to keep your magical tools for magical purposes only. This creates a steady vibration in the object. By combining herbs and waters together and making a tea (not for drinking!), you can use the liquid as a sprinkle for drawing in a certain vibration or to ward off negativity. An example would be Salt water for protection and purification, or a tea made from Basil and Bay leaves to draw in abundance and monetary gain. Once you create your magical brew from herbs and water, drain the liquid off the herb into a container and keep it in the refrigerator. Only use this method for brews that you would use often. I would not recommend keeping it for too long. When it starts to smell funny and develop an odd color, it would be wise to toss it! My personal favorite is putting a blessed and charged tea mixture in a spray bottle (make sure to drain all the leaves and barks from the liquid before putting it in the spray bottle or storage container) and using it around the office and home. You can also mist yourself to change your own vibration. Do not spray directly on a surface, rather aim the sprayer up to the ceiling and spray then allow the mist to fall. Another method for using teas is for baths. Take a cup of the mixture and add it to a full tub of water. Allow yourself to soak for at least 5 minutes, but preferably longer. Be aware that some people are very allergic to certain flowers and plants, so it is best to test the diluted mixture on a small patch of skin at least a couple of hours in advance to avoid any allergic reaction. 


Fire is quick and destructive. It represents passion, energy and movement. It is lusty and romantic and can quickly turn deadly. Fire clears away the old with the intention of bringing in the new. Fire is a very intense element and many fear it. It will allow you to use it in various ways, but it demands that you treat it with caution and respect, or it will cause harm. Let's look at ways it can be used to shift energy and go over safety tips. The methods of Fire that I have used have been in the form of candles, Incense and Matches. Many uses of Fire can be used for the Element of Air. Try keeping healing incenses on hand at home. Look for incense that is made from healing herbs like Sage, Sweet Grass, Lavender etc. Make sure that your incense is made from mostly pure ingredients such as essential oils and flowers/plants. It is fine to have other synthetic incense at home, but I do not find these effective in shifting energy because it doesn’t emit a steady, fully charged vibration. So, keep your “smell good” incense and your magical incense separate if at all possible. Incense comes in the form of resins, wands, bundles (sage) or cones. Make sure to put it in a safe holder where it won’t tip over. Incense can be charged and blessed by holding it in your hands and praying over it. Visualize your intentions for using the incense and then burn it. Candles are a wonderful, yet sometimes dangerous method for working with fire. The most important aspect of using candles for energy shifting is the color. The following are just a few suggestions. There are many books on color therapy on the market that provide more extensive information. 

Color Chart

Peace, stability and emotional calm. Water, emotional healing. Throat chakra.
A very neutral color. It can be charged and used in place of any color. Healing light.
Protection and banishing unwanted influences. Shielding and deflecting.
Prosperity, abundance, health, good business and fertility Earthy, great for healing. Heart chakra.
Communication and mental stimulation. Elevates mood, inspires hopefulness and joy. Solar Plexus chakra.
Enthusiasm, fun, energizing and creativity. Second chakra.
Lusty – love, passion, movement, action, power, courage, confidence and dominance. 1st Chakra.
Love, friendship, harmony, happiness and balance. Soft feminine energy.



Air is light, weightless and mentally stimulating. It is associated with ideas, thoughts, intelligence, communication and humor. It has the ability to carry energy, sound, and scent on its surface.


Scent and sound are two methods for using the element of Air. Aromatherapy combines essential oils derived from herbs and flowers, with the element of water. The element of fire (tea candle, electricity) heats the water and disperses the scent into the air. This scent has a strong effect on our moods and health. Enchanted/charged aromatherapy oil is an effective method for shifting the energy within a space. Try burning money oil, (which can be purchased online), in your essential oil burner to draw and attract money. Make sure to charge your oils and all your magical tools with your intentions before using them. 

Sound: Chimes, bells, drums, tuning forks, our voices and clapping one’s hands are some of the methods that can be used to work with the element of air. Air carries sound and vibration as well as scent. These are also good methods for breaking up stagnant energy. As you use your chosen instrument to produce sound, say your prayers and intentions out loud. I also find these tools powerful for doing healing work. In my Healing practice, I use tuning forks during my massages. The vibration moves and transmutes energy, and my clients love it. 

Incense: Incense sticks, cones and powders are the most common (in my opinion) in working with the element of Air. It uses multiple elements such as Earth and Fire. Like all magical tools, enchant your incense sticks by mentally pushing the energy of your intentions into your incense which you hold between your hands. Place it in an incense burner, light it and see the smoke carry your intentions into the atmosphere. 

I pray this blog finds you well.

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